by FabiolaHaru@WP | Jul 31, 2024 | articles
Managing Chronic Pain My journey with chronic pain My journey with chronic pain started when I sat back and decided to wait. I was about to turn 45 and received a Ministry of Health letter about booking a mammogram. It was early December, I could not get through, let...
by FabiolaHaru@WP | Dec 7, 2020 | articles
The Myth of Relaxation I have been contemplating the myth of relaxation for a long time. I have been contemplating the myth of relaxation for a long time. From birth we experience intense forces of gravity upon our bodies. As custodians, it is our responsibility to...
by FabiolaHaru@WP | Sep 20, 2020 | articles
The Way We Carry Ourselves What is posture? What is posture if not a collection of functional attitudes? What is posture but the way someone goes about mundane tasks: like taking out the rubbish, answering the phone or using an eftpos machine? As a movement therapist...
by FabiolaHaru@WP | Aug 15, 2020 | articles
Massage in the Time of Covid When I was 14 years of age, my Japanese Grandfather taught me how to massage DO-IN points on the forearm. Little did I know, it was the beginning of my life time journey as a Movement and Massage Therapist. Today, after more than three...
by FabiolaHaru@WP | May 14, 2020 | articles
Let’s Get Moving Lock down has been an amazing experience. With family overseas it has been an emotional time as much as a time for growth and change, love and connection. For the past weeks, I have been busy participating in an immersion course in Ivaldo...
by FabiolaHaru@WP | Apr 27, 2020 | articles
Bertazzo Online If you speak Portuguese, this is for you. Ivaldo Bertazzo is offering a package for online classes. You get to be at 4 classes per week, live on zoom conference. In New Zealand they take place 3 AM and 11 AM, alternate days Tue-Fri. In these dark and...
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