The greatest gift of Covid has been the ability to study and learn remotely.
Three times a week I take part in Bertazzo’s classes. The journey that started during the first lock down (almost two years ago!) has re-shaped my body and added skills to my practice at the studio.
Currently I am doing a course with Bernard Valetin (osteopath) and Cristina Fritzen (physiotherapist), who are based in Belgium.
For over 20 years, in my work I have applied a Muscular Chains Method named GDS, after Godelieve Dennis Struif. This wonderful woman, artist and physiotherapist used her talents as a portrait artist to dedicate her life to describing different postural attitudes, underlining not only the visceral impact of those, but also establishing psychological correlations. Godelieve’s marriage to a TCM practitioner meant that she was well equiped in the relation between posture and nature, and influences on vital bodily organs. What a legacy!
Bernard Valentin is one of the most eloquent custodians of GDS. He is currently taking a course about the visceral responses to the diverse muscular pulls that position skeletons in space.
We are only half way through the course and the implications in my work are profound.
Bernard’s techniques to release tension and reprogram the muscular and visceral systems flow like poems. He is a charismatic yet precise teacher and I have been impressed with his understanding of embryology and physiology. I also appreciate the parallel he runs with elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Perhaps next flight I take to Brasil may have a convenient stop over in Belgium…
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