Walking with gravity


Mass and Gravity

Planets orbit around the sun in response to gravity, their mass determining a trajectory in space, an elliptical spiralling action triggered around a central axis.

On Earth, the observation of a body organizing itself in response to gravity enables us to understand which chains of muscles it predominantly relies on.

Around its centre of gravity, a person will align the different segments of his/her body in a particularly unique manner.

The projection of the centre of gravity in space over a base of support is an important point from which this body can find the anti-gravity muscular response.

Walking with Gravity

It is primarily the strength and power originated in the anterior part of the feet that propels the foot to step forward. The intrinsic foot muscles propel mass forward and act like a suction cup.

That is followed by the flexion of the femur, which is activated by the action of psoas and rectus femoralis. Tibial Anterior and fibulars remain equally activated stabilizing the ankle joint.

The supporting limb enables the swing of the other leg at the same time that it remains flexible due to the rocking action of the calcaneus, talus and tibia. The phase of pelvic oscilation intiates, with great propulsion forward. That oscilation is supported by the extensors of the femur as well as the external rotators of the supporting limb. The projection of the centre of gravity is right on the centre of the support basis. In this case it is the leg that supports the body.

The centre of mass is propelled forward – not sideways or around!

Mechanisms of shock absorption and deceleration are triggered. Two feet touch the ground. The weight/ centre of gravity projection coincides exactly in the middle of the base of support.

This leads us to a range of interesting questions:

  • What is the position of the tibia and how is the relationship with Talus and calcaneo?
  • Does the weight of the femur drops on to the axis of the tibia?
  • Are calcaneo and the head of the femur aligned?
  • Are there other muscles recruited when walking ie.: quadrato lomborum?
  • What trajectory does the centre of gravity draws in space?
  • How do the girdles move around the axis of the spine?
  • Is that spinal axis respected or is there hypermobility?
  • Are the knees hyperextending?
  • Where is the projection of the centre of gravity at each stage of the gait?

Walking is a full body integration in response to gravity. The appendix skeleton adapts and rotates around the axis of the spine.

In a deliberate act of controlled fall, we move our bodily drawing a trajectory forward in space.

Propulsion and shock absorption are intercalated in an instinctive or reflex manner.